Source code for pygal.test.test_graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pygal
# A python svg graph plotting library
# Copyright © 2012-2016 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygal. If not, see <>.

"""Generate tests for different chart types with different data"""

import os
import pygal
import uuid
import sys
import pytest
import io
from import BaseMap
from pygal.util import cut
from pygal._compat import u
from pygal.test import make_data

    import cairosvg
except ImportError:
    cairosvg = None

[docs]def test_multi_render(Chart, datas): """Check that a chart always render the same""" chart = Chart() chart = make_data(chart, datas) svg = chart.render() for i in range(2): assert svg == chart.render()
[docs]def test_render_to_file(Chart, datas): """Test in file rendering""" file_name = '/tmp/test_graph-%s.svg' % uuid.uuid4() if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) chart = Chart() chart = make_data(chart, datas) chart.render_to_file(file_name) with, encoding="utf-8") as f: assert 'pygal' in os.remove(file_name)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not cairosvg, reason="CairoSVG not installed")
[docs]def test_render_to_png(Chart, datas): """Test in file png rendering""" file_name = '/tmp/test_graph-%s.png' % uuid.uuid4() if os.path.exists(file_name): os.remove(file_name) chart = Chart() chart = make_data(chart, datas) chart.render_to_png(file_name) png = chart._repr_png_() with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: assert png == os.remove(file_name)
[docs]def test_metadata(Chart): """Test metadata values""" chart = Chart() v = range(7) if Chart in (pygal.Box,): return # summary charts cannot display per-value metadata elif Chart == pygal.XY: v = list(map(lambda x: (x, x + 1), v)) elif issubclass(Chart, BaseMap): v = [(k, i) for i, k in enumerate(Chart.x_labels) if k not in [ 'oecd', 'nafta', 'eur']] chart.add('Serie with metadata', [ v[0], {'value': v[1]}, {'value': v[2], 'label': 'Three'}, {'value': v[3], 'xlink': ''}, {'value': v[4], 'xlink': '', 'label': 'Five'}, {'value': v[5], 'xlink': { 'href': ''}, 'label': 'Six'}, {'value': v[6], 'xlink': { 'href': '', 'target': '_blank'}, 'label': 'Seven'} ]) q = chart.render_pyquery() for md in ('Three', 'Five', 'Seven'): assert md in cut(q('desc'), 'text') for md in ('', ''): assert md in [e.attrib.get('xlink:href') for e in q('a')] if Chart in (pygal.Pie, pygal.Treemap, pygal.SolidGauge): # Slices with value 0 are not rendered assert len(v) - 1 == len(q('.tooltip-trigger').siblings('.value')) elif not issubclass(Chart, BaseMap): # Tooltip are not working on maps assert len(v) == len(q('.tooltip-trigger').siblings('.value'))
[docs]def test_empty_lists(Chart): """Test chart rendering with an empty serie""" chart = Chart() chart.add('A', [1, 2]) chart.add('B', []) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q(".legend")) == 2
[docs]def test_empty_lists_with_nones(Chart): """Test chart rendering with a None filled serie""" chart = Chart() chart.add('A', [None, None]) chart.add('B', [None, 4, 4]) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q(".legend")) == 2
[docs]def test_only_one_value(Chart): """Test chart rendering with only one value""" chart = Chart() chart.add('S', [1]) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q(".legend")) == 1
[docs]def test_only_one_value_log(Chart): """Test logarithmic chart rendering with only one value""" chart = Chart(logarithmic=True) chart.add('S', [1]) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('single') q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q(".legend")) == 1
[docs]def test_only_one_value_intrp(Chart): """Test interpolated chart rendering with only one value""" chart = Chart(interpolate='cubic') chart.add('S', [1]) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q(".legend")) == 1
[docs]def test_non_iterable_value(Chart): """Test serie as non iterable""" chart = Chart(no_prefix=True) chart.add('A', 1) chart.add('B', 2) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') chart1 = chart.render() chart = Chart(no_prefix=True) chart.add('A', [1]) chart.add('B', [2]) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') chart2 = chart.render() assert chart1 == chart2
[docs]def test_iterable_types(Chart): """Test serie as various iterable""" chart = Chart(no_prefix=True) chart.add('A', [1, 2]) chart.add('B', []) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') chart1 = chart.render() chart = Chart(no_prefix=True) chart.add('A', (1, 2)) chart.add('B', tuple()) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') chart2 = chart.render() assert chart1 == chart2
[docs]def test_values_by_dict(Chart): """Test serie as dict""" chart1 = Chart(no_prefix=True) chart2 = Chart(no_prefix=True) if not issubclass(Chart, BaseMap) and not Chart._dual: chart1.add('A', {'red': 10, 'green': 12, 'blue': 14}) chart1.add('B', {'green': 11, 'red': 7}) chart1.add('C', {'blue': 7}) chart1.add('D', {}) chart1.add('E', {'blue': 2, 'red': 13}) chart1.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') chart2.add('A', [10, 12, 14]) chart2.add('B', [7, 11]) chart2.add('C', [None, None, 7]) chart2.add('D', []) chart2.add('E', [13, None, 2]) chart2.x_labels = ('red', 'green', 'blue') elif not Chart._dual: chart1.add('A', {'fr': 10, 'us': 12, 'jp': 14}) chart1.add('B', {'cn': 99}) chart1.add('C', {}) chart2.add('A', [('fr', 10), ('us', 12), ('jp', 14)]) chart2.add('B', [('cn', 99)]) chart2.add('C', [None, (None, None)]) assert chart1.render() == chart2.render()
[docs]def test_no_data_with_no_values(Chart): """Test no data""" chart = Chart() q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_no_values_with_include_x_axis(Chart): """Test no data and include_x_axis""" chart = Chart(include_x_axis=True) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_empty_serie(Chart): """Test no data for empty serie""" chart = Chart() chart.add('Serie', []) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_empty_series(Chart): """Test no data for 2 empty series""" chart = Chart() chart.add('Serie1', []) chart.add('Serie2', []) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_none(Chart): """Test no data for a None containing serie""" chart = Chart() chart.add('Serie', None) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_list_of_none(Chart): """Test no data for a None containing serie""" chart = Chart() chart.add('Serie', [None]) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_no_data_with_lists_of_nones(Chart): """Test no data for several None containing series""" chart = Chart() chart.add('Serie1', [None, None, None, None]) chart.add('Serie2', [None, None, None]) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert q(".text-overlay text").text() == "No data"
[docs]def test_unicode_labels_decode(Chart): """Test unicode labels""" chart = Chart() chart.add(u('Série1'), [{ 'value': 1, 'xlink': 'http://1/', 'label': u('{\}°ijæð©&×&<—×€¿_…\{_…') }, { 'value': 2, 'xlink': { 'href': '' }, 'label': u('æ°€≠|€æ°€əæ') }, { 'value': 3, 'label': 'unicode <3' }]) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = [u('&œ'), u('¿?'), u('††††††††'), 'unicode <3'] chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_unicode_labels_python2(Chart): """Test unicode labels in python 2""" if sys.version_info[0] == 3: return chart = Chart() chart.add(u('Série1'), [{ 'value': 1, 'xlink': 'http://1/', 'label': eval("u'{\}°ijæð©&×&<—×€¿_…\{_…'") }, { 'value': 2, 'xlink': { 'href': '' }, 'label': eval("u'æ°€≠|€æ°€əæ'") }, { 'value': 3, 'label': eval("'unicode <3'") }]) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = eval("[u'&œ', u'¿?', u'††††††††', 'unicode <3']") chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_unicode_labels_python3(Chart): """Test unicode labels in python 3""" if sys.version_info[0] == 2: return chart = Chart() chart.add(u('Série1'), [{ 'value': 1, 'xlink': 'http://1/', 'label': eval("'{\}°ijæð©&×&<—×€¿_…\{_…'") }, { 'value': 2, 'xlink': { 'href': '' }, 'label': eval("'æ°€≠|€æ°€əæ'") }, { 'value': 3, 'label': eval("b'unicode <3'") }]) if not chart._dual: chart.x_labels = eval("['&œ', '¿?', '††††††††', 'unicode <3']") chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_sparkline(Chart, datas): """Test sparkline""" chart = Chart() chart = make_data(chart, datas) assert chart.render_sparkline()
[docs]def test_secondary(Chart): """Test secondary chart""" chart = Chart() rng = [83, .12, -34, 59] chart.add('First serie', rng) chart.add('Secondary serie', map(lambda x: x * 2, rng), secondary=True) assert chart.render_pyquery()
[docs]def test_ipython_notebook(Chart, datas): """Test ipython notebook""" chart = Chart() chart = make_data(chart, datas) assert chart._repr_svg_()
[docs]def test_long_title(Chart, datas): """Test chart rendering with a long title""" chart = Chart( title="A chart is a graphical representation of data, in which " "'the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, " "lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart'. A chart can " "represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of " "qualitative structure and provides different info.") chart = make_data(chart, datas) q = chart.render_pyquery() assert len(q('.titles text')) == 5